Currently Browsing: socialmedia

3 Fun activities to do on a Zoom party in 2021


If you are getting tired of working from home throughout the pandemic and spending your life on back-to-back video calls, then the prospect of a Zoom party on a Friday night with your friends might not sound all that appealing… Fortunately, even in 2021, there are still plenty of fun ways to spice up a […]


1 in 5 adults at risk of internet fraud by oversharing on social media


A fifth of adults have put themselves at ‘significant’ risk of internet fraud by oversharing on social media, according to a study. Birthday dates, names of pets, phone numbers and even their home address are among the personal details most commonly shared by the 2,000 adults polled. But despite this, 29 per cent of adults […]


25% of British women always use filters on photos of themselves


A quarter of women use filters on photos of themselves before posting on social media – because they cannot bear to reveal their scars and stretch marks. The study found this figure more than doubles for women aged 24 and under, as 51 per cent admit to rarely uploading an unaltered photo online. Just 16 […]


Social media negatively affects body image, say a third of Brits


A study of 2,000 adults found that one third agree social media has negatively affected their body image. Social media has even altered the way women perceive their figures, with one in eight women refusing to EVER post a candid photo. While more than a quarter admit they can’t help but compare themselves to celebrities […]