Among other pesky pests, gnats are among the annoying insects faced by tenants and homeowners. Gnats are two-winged flying creatures that resemble mosquitoes – small in size but can drive you nuts at times. Gnats can cause harm to kids, house plants, kitchen wares and home pets, as they feed on plants, other insects and blood. They carry many parasites and spread many diseases in human and livestock.
Furthermore, gnats are little and can commonly be found on moist surfaces. Since gnats like to lay eggs in moist dirt, have sufficient drainage for the house plan. A mixture of red wine and water is very effective against gnat in the dining room. In the bathroom where vinegar cannot be used, pour bleach into drains and sink will help dry and kill off gnats eggs. However, to properly get rid of gnats permanently, you need to consult your local pest control operator near you.
Use a Honey Trap
Bright colours and a sugary smell attract insects. A homemade gnat trap helps prevent frequent occurrence of these creepy creatures. Cut a few pieces of yellow plastic and apply honey on it to catch those pests. Place the honey trap in or near the house plants where the gnats live to catch these annoying flies.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Banish Gnats
The aroma of apple cider vinegar attracts fruits flies towards it. You
can simply put apple cider vinegar in a bowl at places where gnats instigate.
Gnats get fascinated to vinegar and die in liquid. You can also use a mason jar
and fill it ¼ with vinegar. Place a funnel on top of it to serve as an entry
point for the gnats enter, but not exit.
Use Cinnamon to Get Rid of Gnats
Cinnamon is known for controlling the larvae form of gnats. The
powdered form of cinnamon is a natural fungicide. It helps destroy the fungus
on which larvae feed and thus control the growth of fungus gnats. Sprinkle the
cinnamon powder on the plantation area and watch out the results. Repeat this
remedy every week until the problem continues.
Use Baking Soda to Get Rid of Gnats
]Have you ever thought of using this baking ingredient as a gnat repellent? Yes, you can make it at home. Take four teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon liquid dish wash and 1-gallon water. Mix it properly then spray on afflicted flora or earth for the best results.
In addition, mash rotten bananas and place them in a bowl and covering them with surround wrap and then poke some holes in the surrounding wrap and set it out, the gnats will get trapped inside and die.
To prevent gnats in the first place, you have to do the basic like covering your food properly with lid and always keep all fresh fruits in the refrigerator and dispose of rotten fruits immediately.
Overwatering of plants should be avoided. One of these methods can help you get rid of gnats quickly and efficiently.