TagBand devices have been designed to remove skin tags via ligation – making a formerly troublesome treatment affordable, accessible and simple. TagBand has surpassed one million sales after developing and popularizing a pioneering skin tag removal device. The game-changing product utilizes the removal method known as ligation by applying silicone bands around the base of skin tags. Ligation means to restrict blood supply which is vital to a skin tag’s growth and survival.
Despite 46% of American adults suffering from skin tags, treatments have traditionally been restricted to invasive freezing or burning procedures. With skin tag removal often not covered by health insurance policies, sufferers have even resorted to home methods – such as cutting off growths with nail scissors. But TagBand devices have provided a non-invasive and budget-friendly solution to a prevalent health issue. Sales have hit seven figures since the brand launched in 2015 – cementing TagBands’ status as a market leader.
Videos on TagBand have helped send the brand name viral; one instructional YouTube upload has been watched more than 7.7 million times, whilst a user review has attracted over 9 million views. The product is also widely seen on television – with a commercial running on US networks in 2021.
TagBand devices are available in two kits and two sizes to target specific types of skin tags. Both the ‘Original TagBand’ and ‘Auto TagBand’ devices work in the same way – but are applied slightly differently. The more affordable Original TagBand requires two-handed application (suitable for skin tags in easy-to-reach areas like the neck), whereas the Auto TagBand is designed for one-handed use for more elusive skin tags.
Devices come with 10 rubber bands included – capable of treating up to 10 separate skin tags. The TagBand range and UK Innovations GP Ltd are both registered with the FDA.

Skin tags can occur at any age and on many different parts of the body; often found on the neck, armpits, groin, breasts or eyelids. Most are common and benign, but often cause people to feel self-conscious. Hanging skin can also bleed if it is caught on items of clothing or scratched during shaving.
Katie Harrison, General Manager of TagBand parent company UK Innovations GP Ltd, stated: “The TagBand range was born after a family friend of ours couldn’t afford surgery to remove her skin tags ahead of her wedding day. “As there were no affordable home treatments available, she cut off her skin tags with scissors, causing a lot of pain and scarring. “Skin tag removal isn’t covered by medical insurance and nearly 50% of Americans are affected by skin tags. “Our mission is simple: ‘Improve the lives of consumers with the use of thoughtful innovation’.
“This is why we’re dedicated to creating problem-solving products that are accessible to all.” TagBand is a subsidiary of UK Innovations GP Ltd, a retail business which originally launched in 2007. The company currently performs most of its manufacturing in Britain, heading up two national offices in Northamptonshire and London.
All TagBand products are currently sold via Amazon in the USA. The full range is available on Prime delivery.