Currently Browsing: Health & Fitness

How Different Parts Of Our Health Impact Fitness

How Different Parts Of Our Health Impact Fitness

When we play sports or do exercise, some days we feel great and others not so much. This is because there are so many different parts of our health that can impact our sports performance that you might never have thought of, that we’re here to explore. Being into fitness, whether it’s strength training, running […]


About Eggshell Therapy and Coaching

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Eggshell Therapy and Coaching provides mental health consultations for highly sensitive, neurodivergent, emotionally intense and gifted adults. This article will look at the practice’s ethos and mission, providing an overview of services offered by them to help clients make lasting changes and face life’s inevitable challenges. Practice founder Imi Lo, primary creator of Eggshell Therapy […]


7 Essential Tips for Wellness Following a Health Scare

7 Essential Tips for Wellness Following a Health Scare

Good health is one of the most important things we can have. It simply can not be bought, and after experiencing life-threatening health care, this can give an apparent sense of reality. We will all experience health complications at some point in our lives. It is inevitable, but by taking care of our bodies and […]


Sugar High: Reasons To Limit Your Daily Sugar Intake

Sugar High: Reasons To Limit Your Daily Sugar Intake

I get it; sugar is everywhere. It’s in our morning coffee, lunchtime snacks, and after-dinner treats. While it might make food taste better and give us a quick energy boost, too much sugar can harm our health. Today, we’ll explore reasons you should limit your daily sugar intake and how to do it effectively. How […]