Nature Or Nurture : 7 Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Nature Or Nurture : 7 Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

In today’s ever-moving world, just about everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. It is estimated that around 60% of people would agree that having their own successful business is a dream if not their end goal. The hard truth that some need to hear however is that not everyone is built to be an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur requires several skills and characteristics that showcase a capability to stand higher above the competition. Don’t let this deter you though. It is possible to condition yourself to be resilient against what the entrepreneurial world will throw at you, but having some of the key skills already in your locker will simply fast-track this journey.

In this blog, we will discuss what traits are best suited for entrepreneurs, and how you can begin to acquire these skills for yourself.


The path to entrepreneurship is not a linear one. It will be like climbing a rocky mountain, and at some points being sent back to the bottom to start all over again. Determination is key to sustaining the drive to succeed and overcome any obstacles that come your way. Having determination is a non-negotiable. If you feel the urge to give up at the first obstacle, that is a normal and likely instinct. However, your ability to move through this instinct and keep pushing with your determination will solidify your capabilities to become a successful entrepreneur.


Without risk, there is no reward. How many entrepreneurs have you heard experience a smooth road to success without taking any risk? Quitting a 9-5 and setting out to start your own business is a risk in itself. With this, you need to be willing to risk everything you have to become a better version of yourself and to grow your business. Staying comfortable keeps you stuck, but also take risks with caution. For example carelessness can lead to losing money in schemes such as crypto scams, or losing customers. If you want to keep moving forward, you should expect to lose money, things and people along the way. But keep in mind that whatever you lose, with the right plan, will come back to you 100 times over.


Determination and resilience may sound the same, but one is physical and one is mental. Determination is the embedded frame of mind to keep moving forward just as things go wrong. Resilience is what you need when things start to get tough. Think of resilience as a bubble during a sandstorm. While things will be thrown your way and the light at the end of the tunnel may seem miles away, resilience will keep you moving. 


Entrepreneurs are also known to be highly intuitive. This intuition always leads them to make the right decision on business and people. After all, having a good nose for people and their intentions will steer you toward working with the right people. Money is the end goal, but the people you work with have the most impact on how quickly you will achieve your targets. Intuition is often a gift, however, you can build a good sense of worthy people after being scolded, or even shown kindness by those you trust.


One thing that stands out amongst all entrepreneurs is their self-assurance. They know they are going to be successful and they know exactly how they are going to get what they want. Self-assurance can also be confided with vanity for those with a limited mindset. This trait alone will maintain the belief you have in yourself when things begin to seem fragile. Believing in yourself needs to be maintained, even when those around you start to give up and question your actions.


You may have a million-pound product idea, but without the right communication, no one will want to listen to what you have to say. Communication is a skill that can be refined with time and experience, but knowing how to get through to people will open up a world of possibilities. From business meetings to onboarding clients, when you are starting alone, communication will be especially important. 


One of the things that attracts people to entrepreneurship the most is the ability to be your boss. With this, people have to accept that discipline will need to be maintained, and you will need to treat yourself as if you are an annoying boss with a watchful eye. Working for yourself can leave room for cutting corners, and giving things less effort with the lack of someone telling you what to do. This means that discipline needs to be acquired. There are several ways in which discipline can be built, whether you start by setting a workout schedule and sticking to it, or even nominating a friend as an accountability partner.

How to perfect your entrepreneurial traits

Now you know what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, here are a few ways you can begin to acquire the skills necessary. Not all people are born with a burning passion to own a business, but if you have found yourself yearning to be your boss, you can also develop your skills.

Attend networking events 

Networking events are a great place for entrepreneurs to share their expertise and knowledge. As the saying goes, you will never know unless you try. Knowing whether your business idea interests others is best tested at these events with people who have been in your position previously. Here you can develop your communication skills most importantly, which are a key trait of any entrepreneur. Even those who have been in the business for years constantly seek to grow their knowledge and expertise.

Take the plunge 

Take that leap of faith, even if you don’t feel ready. It is normal to experience imposter syndrome and be hesitant to start your entrepreneurial journey. The truth is that taking the first step into the world will guide you on your journey. It won’t be a liner one but you will learn lots along the way.


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