Sali Hughes: “Pretty Honest” Book Review

Pretty Honest book review by Sali Hughes

Welcome back to Unmissable Books! Today I am going to be  chatting about something a little bit different and delving into the increasingly popular world of beauty guides.

But not just any beauty guide. I’m going to be sharing with you the wonderfully informative “Pretty Honest” by Sali Hughes – the only beauty guide that I will refer back to time and time again.

Sali Hughes “Pretty Honest” is just that. It’s pretty darn honest. A book filled with funny anecdotes, informative advice and just straight up honesty about the beauty things you thought you were doing right but… you’re not.

Divided into sections for your ease of use you can read up on anything from “How to look good in a picture” to “Beauty and motherhood” and all that comes in between.

Hughes started off her adventure with beauty as a teen obsessing over makeup, that let to her becoming a MUA and writing as a Beauty Columnist for Guardian Weekend, where she determined to speak freely about beauty and be completely honest about what works and what doesn’t.

This is something that she then goes on to continue in her debut book and gives us consumers the insider knowledge of the beauty industry and the tips and tricks they are unlikely to want us to know.

pretty honest book review

Personally, I find Sali’s writing a breath of fresh air. Gone are the presumptuous notions of the Glossy Mags that you must have high end everything in order to look good, instead Sali’s refreshing stance shows us mere mortals that you don’t need to spend a fortune on products that claim to do it all to look good. Instead, she shows us that with a little knowledge you can cut the costs and look great all at the same time.

I particularly love Sali’s skincare advice. She lists in detail about different skin types making it easy to identify your own and then goes on to suggest how to manage that skin type in further chapters. This really is the ultimate beauty lovers companion and I can’t tell you the amount of times I have referred back to this in the past to resolve an issue.


  • “Your daily skincare routine”-  that I obsessively stick to.
  • “Basic kit: the products you need now (and the stuff you don’t)” – Incredibly interesting to find out and it will save you some money in the long run!
  • “Beauty gifts” – Because sometimes it’s difficult to know what to buy the ones you love.

I’m going to be Pretty Honest here (see what I did) and say that this is the only beauty companion that I would suggest you need in your life. I have been recommending this to everyone I know and I really highly rate it as a book. Sali really does know her stuff when it comes to beauty and this book is a joy to read.

That’s all for today’s post! I hope you’ve enjoyed my little detour away from the fiction this week, but if your longing to find out some more novels to get your teeth into fear not as I will be back next week with a review of  “Throne of Glass” by Sarah J Mass.


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Beauty, Lifestyle and Food Blogger. Avid lover of Brie and Cats. Obsessed with Italian Food. You will normally find me on my laptop or lounging around with a good book.
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