Alexandra Blyth Sharman-Cox has been revealed as Britain’s biggest voucher princess, admitting that she would use vouchers for anything.
The insurance worker from Essex says she even used vouchers to pay for her wedding, making savings of almost £1,000!
Alex said: “Everyone who knows me knows I love a bargain. I can’t resist a discount.
“My own savings come mainly from lifestyle vouchers. I’m a self-confessed online-shopaholic and can’t resist a Ted Baker garment or Oasis must have.”
“Finding a great bargain is like a little victory, but over the years those little victories can turn into substantial savings.”
Britain’s voucher princess was revealed as part of a study by MyVoucherCodes.co.uk into the saving habits of 2,000 people.
The survey revealed that the stigma of saving is disappearing, with the average thrifty Brit saving £106 a year capitalising on promotions, vouchers and offers.
And eight in ten unashamedly admit they go to great lengths to hunt for a bargain.
But not everyone is quite as in control of their finances – when quizzed on their savings and current money situation one in ten had no idea how much money they actually had saved and where.
And while the average Brit will manage to accumulate almost £3,000 in savings each year, 30 per cent don’t save any money at all.
Retail therapy is the first area to see cuts when savings need to be made in 1 in 2 of households, followed by cuts to pricey nights out and holidays away.
Alex continued: “My husband and I bought our flat about 2 years ago and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed decking it out. I’m a proud home-owner but home improvements can be costly.
“I’d shop every day if I could and most days on my lunch I have some sort of online shopping site open on my browser.
“I would also go online to voucher sites to find a voucher before I shop. If I’ve seen a garment, I’d rarely buy it without looking for a voucher.”