Hilarious actress and comedienne, Melissa McCarthy is not a skinny woman that strives for a perfect body. Instead, she embraces what she has and is not afraid to wear whatever she feels like wearing. If you’ve watched the movie Bridesmaids, then you know how she has no issues with showing her body as it is, nor does she have a problem with wearing the most unflattering combinations.
A 45-year-old mother of two has actually persuaded a fashion career once, but then she dropped out of college and chased after her dream of being a comedienne. Each and every one of her movies exudes her unique sense of humor and charismatic roles, but she never seizes to look good in public.
The secret does not lie in expensive clothes, designers and professionals. Her only trick is wearing what you want. If you want to wear a hot pink tutu and Dr. Martens, I am the first person to say I love it. “… It’s [really about confidence]”, she says and adds that we should never pay attention to what is in and what is out.What was once out can be easily brought back into fashion just by wearing it in a different way.
In the Redbook magazine issue of April 2016, she discusses body positivity. She wants to change and affect the stigma surrounding body image – especially when it comes to women. Women are constantly ashamed of their bodies and do bizarre things to get rid of fat and other imperfections. Additionally, the media and celebrities are forcing young women to blend in and follow some of the extreme trends that involve plenty of Photoshop and money behind the camera.
This charming actress is very serious about her message that she wants to send to all people about body positivity and how we should never make fuss about our appearance and fashion styles. She believes that, “As long as everybody is healthy, enjoy and embrace whatever body type you have“.
She is right about women constantly comparing themselves with other women, but McCarthy points out that we’re all different and we shouldn’t try to imitate others. Her message puts an emphasis on beautiful qualities everyone has and how we should make them unique and special. She also explains that she would rather be punched in the face than let her children feel less confident about their unique beauty and live without proper self-worth.
Tiny shirts, pants and dresses that fill the stores make many women discouraged and in desperate need to fit the standards. That is why McCarthy is urging everyone to be positive about their bodies. If we don’t feel like wearing a tight shirt and skinny jeans, we shouldn’t. Instead, we should find something more comfortable, no matter how stylish it is.
Also, there are various little pieces that can help us shape what we have, such as comfortable body shapers. These, too can help us feel comfy but raise our style to a whole other level. Basically, as long as we feel good in the clothes we wear, our confidence will boost and that will make each and every one of us successful and free of any unnecessary stress and depression.
We live in the world where women of all ages feel ashamed of their bodies and torture themselves with various procedures to look “acceptable”. When McCarthy realized how young girls are starting early with molding their bodies and personalities to fit the “beauty standards” of today, she was startled and decided to design her own clothing line. The line Seven7 is more inclusive of different body types and she wants to encourage all the women to respect their bodies and feel confident.
McCarthy points out that our society needs to stray away from negative images of our bodies and especially the term “plus-size”. We are obsessed with categorizing and grouping of people, specifically women, thus putting too much pressure on everyone. She strongly encourages us to stop putting on labels and that we should embrace who we truly are.