“Introduce yourself”, probably the first thing you would hear while appearing for a job interview. Even though this is the most basic and simplest segment of all, most candidates totally mess it up mainly because of lack of preparation and nervousness.
Preparing the introduction
- Read your job application that includes CV, resume and biodata to understand what all things you have already provided. Try to stress only those qualities that would benefit the company and never over elaborate a single point
- Research and understand all about the company. You must have a decent idea as to what your job is and what is expected of you. All this information can be useful in preparing yourself for the introduction part. Mentioning these would make you well informed of the company and fit for the job in hand.
- Always be truthful and honest. Never try and impress the interviewing panel with false claims. Always be yourself and mention your qualities with more importance given to the relevant ones depending on the job. Thinking about what the interviewers would want to hear can also help in better showcasing your job application.
- Analyze yourself to prepare the best possible description of yourself. Start off by mentioning in brief about your educational qualifications and degrees. Next, talk about the skill sets you have and how it benefits the company. Finally you can state your goals and career objectives to show how dedicated you are towards the profession.
- Showcase your presentation so that the interviewers are captivated right from the start. “The first impression is the best impression”. This is very true in the case of job interviews. So if you are able to catch the attention of the interview board right from the start, then the remaining part of it is already taken care of.
- Write down your introduction so that you can easily memorize it later. Make it into notes and paragraphs of 3 and 4 sentences so that it is easy to recollect. Everything starting from your basic skills to career goals need to be showcased and written on a sheet of paper. Take a quick look at it just before entering the interview to build your confidence.
- Re-read the entire preparation and rectify any mistakes if encountered. If you feel that any point should be stressed more and some other less, all such corrections need to be made in this step. Always keep in mind that these introductions need to be clear and concise and not long and boring.
Practicing your introduction
- Read aloud the prepared text so that you are well revised and confident for the interview. Rectify any awkward sentences if encountered and make it as perfect as possible. Any ambiguity should also be removed.
- Try and develop a mental note of all the key points of your preparation. These may be your important skills, specific qualification or anything that you think would impress the board.
- Practice again and again so that, you sound natural and confident. The delivery of the introduction is more important than the content as all information is already provided to them in documented form.
- Consider making a video of yourself doing the introduction and practice several times in front of the mirror. Your expressions and pauses can be checked easily this way.
- Finally, relax and prepare your mind for the interview. After numerous rehearsals when you feel like you are ready to face the interview, you need to relax and prepare your mind for the challenge ahead.
- Walk confidently into the interview room after knocking on the door. Always keep a confident posture and never show your nervousness even if you are.
- Shake your interviewers hand firmly. This shows how confident you are.
- Always keep a pleasant face and never try and argue with the interviewers. Talk softly and clearly.
- Make eye contact with all members of the interviewing body both while speaking and listening.
- Always stay positive during the interview. Never say anything that would seem negative of you, the company you previously worked with etc.
Much useful tips you can find here.