How to create a fashion portfolio


It is inevitable that every aspiring fashion designer will have to build their own design portfolio at some point in their career. We have gathered a few guidelines that are sure to help you understand how you can start creating yours and channel that amazing design work through potential employers. Read on.

Brainstorm a storyline

To break the ice, we must include that you put together more than one portfolio if you are applying for different positions. Therefore, you may want to tailor your portfolio to the specific application or the type of position that you want to work for.

Create an organising principle

Keep in mind that whatever idea you come up with, it should be clear to a viewer what you are trying to communicate. For professional portfolios, you should arrange your projects with the most recent pieces first and put older work in the back. Add links of suitable sources if there are any particular connections that you want to get your viewer’s attention.

Gather all materials

Select your materials based on the type of programme or job you are applying for. Choose to include professional-looking photos taken of project pieces and include the images in your portfolio as exhibits of your work.

Showcase bold ideas

Even if you have all the resources that you need for your design, you can choose to draw to depict higher dimensional figures. Always find a way to demonstrate your strongest ideas, adding a bonus material or two.

Select the best pieces from each project

Choose selective pieces that are capable of demonstrating improvement through each of your projects. Try to emphasize your position right now, especially if you are building your portfolio for professional advancement.

Fit all pieces into a suitable arrangement

After having selected your favourite pieces, you will have to focus on designing for a certain demographic, around a theme that motivates you. Make sure that your work incorporates a range of different styles and fashion approaches to fabric and materials.

Own a presentation case

To complete your portfolio choose a presentation case online that effectively displays, as well as stores your works. Look out for sheet protectors and ensure that your portfolio is not too difficult to carry around.

Include necessary labels

Adding necessary labels can emphasize visual design elements and makes certain that main communication is through that work. Also, as an artist, it is important that you remember to summarise your influences, imaginative direction and creative inspiration in a paragraph or two.

Add an explanation for each piece

This will enable you to explain your idea to someone who has collaborated with you throughout your creative development. Furthermore, this makes experienced people more inclined to offer you with some criticism.

If you are interested to set foot into the fashion industry, then enrolling onto fashion design course in London can be of great help. Look out for the application window.



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