The positive effects of changing your hair

consider short hair

For many of us, our hair is greatly linked to our self-identity, and that is true for men and women. Since time immemorial, a beautiful head of thick, rich and shiny styled hair has been associated with wealth, glamour and status. The personal connection to your hair can greatly affect how you feel, hence the term “a bad hair day”.

Possibly the main reason for feeling so connected to hair is that next to your smile and how you are dressed, your hair is one of the first things that someone notices about you, therefore you are unconsciously (and perhaps consciously) aware of how your hair might make you look.

Confidence boost

Feeling bad about your hairstyle has been directly linked to confidence and how you present yourself, with the same importance and emphasis as clothing and body language. Personal self-esteem and societal expectations are always at the forefront of modern life and not coming across as presentable with such things as a good hairstyle can decrease confidence.

Studies have shown that women especially feel sexy and attractive in direct relation to how they currently feel about their hair. If you find that you are feeling sad or depressed when it comes to your hair then you could try a new style and perhaps reinvent your style as you go from curly haircuts to straight or vice versa.

Positive self-image

With high confidence comes a positive self-image and you might be trying to do as much as you can in order to achieve the look and style that you want in order to feel good about yourself, and there is nothing wrong with this as a poor self-image can lead to serious psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression.

The constant bombardment of celebrities with photoshopped and impossible-to-achieve bodies accompanied by perfect smiles and hairstyles has a lot to answer for when it comes to influencing poor body image in young girls and women alike. By changing your hairstyle you can help your self-image by accentuating the positive rather than focusing on the negative.

A sense of accomplishment

Sometimes you will put things off and delay them so that they get worse. Such things usually include medical issues like getting dental treatment or seeing a doctor about an ominous patch of skin, but your wellbeing and outward appearance can be just as important when it comes to happiness and health, especially mental health.

Being directly linked to confidence and self-image, changing your hairstyle can play a huge role in feeling like you have accomplished something, especially coming out of national lockdown where you might have had to cut it yourself for over a year. Taking action helps to promote a sense of accomplishment by releasing serotonin; reducing anxiety and depression.

It might sound silly to some, but your general wellbeing has been shown to be linked to your self-image. Your hairstyle is one of the most important things when it comes to confidence-boosting, positive self-image since you are socially and personally judged on your appearance. However, it isn’t difficult to take steps to change your hair and your style, which can boost serotonin levels by actively addressing issues and acting upon them.


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