When we play sports or do exercise, some days we feel great and others not so much. This is because there are so many different parts of our health that can impact our sports performance that you might never have thought of, that we’re here to explore. Being into fitness, whether it’s strength training, running or a combination of things, is of course positive for our health, but if you also focus on these things, then you can see your fitness potential skyrocket as everything falls into place!
Gut Health
There is a very clear and very strong connection between the gut and exercise. In the last few years, there has been so much research into our gut and how when we feed our gut microbiome with the right foods, everything else can fall into place, from our mental health to our immune system, healthy weight management, brain function, muscle recovery and so much more. Basically, if we’re fuelling our gut health properly, and avoiding foods that don’t benefit us where we can, like sugar and processed foods, then we now know that it can seriously transform our minds and bodies, as well as reduce our risk of a number of chronic health conditions and life threatening diseases.
So, when we are consuming the right foods and avoiding more of the less nutritious foods, we will have more energy, absorb nutrients better, reduce inflammation and bloating, improve mental health, provide us with more motivation, improve brain function and give our bodies the fuel it needs to recover so we can keep training hard.
Oral Health
This one has less of a direct impact, however oral health can also impact your fitness! Poor oral health, from tooth decay to tooth loss and gum disease, can lead to poor nutrition and poor absorption of nutrients, as well as physically changing how our mouths are positioned. When we experience tooth loss, or we have very crowded teeth, or jaw misalignment, it can impact how we breathe, and so we may not consume as much oxygen as our bodies need in order to effectively train. It can also result in things like sleep apnea or some people. So, make sure you book an appointment with your dentist Leamington Spa or London based, as they can advise if you may be experiencing oral health problems that are having a knock on effect on your fitness.
Immune Health
Next up, our immune health is absolutely essential to our bodies functioning healthily, including in relation to fitness. There are immune cells in our muscles and when we exercise, they can mobilise to reduce inflammation and improve endurance. Also, as we all know, when we’re ill or even just feel a bit run down, exercise is far less effective and you’re much less likely to have a good workout, if you have the energy to get to the gym at all. So, make sure you’re eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, practising good hygiene and managing your stress to keep your immune system in the best condition possible.
One of the biggest elements of our health that can impact our fitness is sleep. Sleep is absolutely essential for muscle recovery, it’s when our bodies heal the most and it gives our brains and bodies the rest it needs so we wake up feeling revitalised and our muscles have recovered, enabling us to exercise again the next day. It also gives our brain power to react quickly, stay alert and feel motivated, all of which are key in fitness. So, you should be getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night to get the maximum benefits, and if you can’t currently fit this in, try to make it more of a priority by watching one less TV programme and getting into bed earlier.
If you struggle to get to sleep, then don’t go on your phone and spend the hour before bed unwinding and doing something relaxing away from blue light, like having a nice bath and doing your skincare routine, or reading a few pages of your book. We also know that if you’re a parent or have other responsibilities, then sometimes 7 to 9 hours of sleep is very unrealistic. So, just get as close to the 7 hours as you can and you’ll be able to feel a positive impact when it comes to your fitness.