I admit it, I am not an organised person. I obsessively read up on life hacks and tips to pretend I have my life under control and every time I get distracted or forget something.
How am I supposed to sort my life out when every episode of Community is on Netflix?
Thankfully, technology isn’t just there to distract and I have found a number of organisation apps to help me get things in order. So much so that I can actually pass for an adult in some aspects of my life now.
1. DO Notes by IFTTT
DO Notes is an app by the brilliant IFTTT (or If This Then That) team.
If This Then That’s flagship product allows you to set up rules (or recipes) to dictate your online life. For example, if you want to auto-tweet whenever you post to Facebook, you can – although you probably shouldn’t…
As the name suggests, DO Notes allows you to “Do” basically anything. From updating social media, adding to your to do list, sending emails, changing the lights and temperature at home.
DO Notes wants to rule every aspect of your life… Kind of like those wheelchairs in Wall-E.
2. Pushbullet
Unless you’re a complete fanatic, the chances are your phone, tablet and laptop are all running on different operating systems.
In which case you’ll know the pain of having to email things between devices and have likely been caught out when you come to find the latest version of that blog post you’ve been working on is on your laptop… which you left at home.
Pushbullet lets you bridge the gap allowing you to quickly transfer links and pictures between your devices and makes it one of my favourite organisation apps on the list.
3. Keyring
Got more loyalty cards than actual money in your wallet?
I did, and before I discovered Keyring I actually abandoned my wallet in favour of just carrying a bankcard loose in my pocket. This resulted in me snapping my debit card and missing out on valuable Bar Burrito points.
Some companies have adopted apps to replace their points cards already but for those that don’t, Keyring lets you register your existing cards and swipe your phone to gain your points. Leaving your wallet free for all the money you don’t have.
4. Cozi
Ok, so you’ve started getting your own life in check but your family won’t get on board?
Cozi not only lets you keep tabs on your own calendar but also schedule activities for your family.
So long, “where are you?” text messages!
5. Ziplist
Congratulations! Your digital life is now under control but if you really want to pass for an adult, you need to eat like one.
No, that doesn’t mean you have to survive off bran flakes. It means getting your shopping list in order and actually planning meals instead of buying whichever frozen pizza is on offer that week.
Ziplist is a grocery list app with a database of over 300,000 recipes. These organisation apps allow you to select recipes rather than individual items and then adds all the necessary ingredients into your basket. Now all you need to do is cook.
6. 1Password
Sorry, the password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password?
If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a list of passwords assigned your online life depending on who your favourite band was the year you set up your account.
You can’t even run through your list of common passwords due to endless resets that don’t allow you to use the old password.
1Password lets you add all of your accounts into a one account, then you only need to remember how to access your 1Password account!
You can even store bank details and personal data in it.
7. YNAB (You Need A Budget)
The true sign of an adept adult human, is proper financial independence.
As you’ve probably guessed by the name, You Need A Budget is a budgeting app. You start by defining how much money you have and how you would like to spend it over the month (eg. food, nights out, candles…).
You’ll still need a bit of willpower but if you stick to the rules, you can be the master of your own overdraft.
8. Pocket
One of the biggest cruxes to me getting stuff done is not getting distracted by links from Reddit. With Pocket, I can save any interesting links to my Pocket account to return to at a more convenient time and is well deserving of being awarded one of the best organisation apps.
9. Freedom
Depending on how much you trust yourself to use Pocket, you might be better off with Freedom.
Freedom is an internet and app blocker, you can use it on your phone, tablet or computer and it will prevent you from accessing social media, news or anything else that might distract you from getting work done