The world is undergoing an ecological crisis; for the most part, it’s due to the number of humans on the planet and the way they use its resources. An abundance of extra carbon in the atmosphere is warming the earth, melting the ice-caps, and polluting the ocean so there’s an urgent need to be eco-friendly! Not everyone can afford the latest eco-tech for their home, but there are some simple things we can all do to reduce our carbon footprints – and reduce your annual household bills.
Swap your bulbs for eco-friendly LED lighting
When it comes to saving energy in the home and being more environmentally conscious, most people think about their electricity usage. They might consider checking what power plan they are on and switching to renewable. This is a good idea, but it’s not the only thing to consider. If you’re using incandescent light bulbs, then you are wasting electrical energy and contributing to unnecessary waste by replacing them. LED lighting is just as powerful but draws less energy and rarely needs replacing.
Wash your clothes in cold water
According to Energy Star, 90% of the energy used in your washing machine goes towards heating the water. This is astonishing, especially when you consider that a cold water setting is just as good in most cases. Unless you’re dealing with difficult stains such as oil, it makes more sense to use the cold water setting when washing your clothes. Water tanks of all sizes are available from places such as The Water Tank Factory which can help with economy. It will not only reduce your energy bills and contribute to an eco-friendly lower-carbon future, but it will also keep your clothes looking newer and more vibrant for longer.
Skip the dryer if possible
The dryer is another household appliance that draws a huge amount of electricity and is unnecessary in most cases. Line drying your clothes outside, like people used to do hundreds of years ago, allows them to bask in the light sunshine and gentle wind until they are crisp and dry. Dried in this way your clothes and sheets will smell like nature and will last much longer than they would when stuffed into a machine regularly. If you don’t have a line outside and indoor clothes dryer by a window works well.
Get into recycling and composting
Recycling is vitally important as we move towards a circular economy where waste is reduced to near-zero. Although recycling practices have been around for several decades, it’s only recently that people have recognised the importance of it and got on board. With a recycling bin in your home, you will be more conscious of the glass, plastic, and paper you use. A composting bin is also super eco-friendly. By putting your leftovers in the bin, you will reduce waste and generate free fertiliser for your vegetable garden.
Make use of Smart meters
More and more Smart Meters are being used in homes to monitor electricity, gas, and water usage. It is one step closer to the Internet of Things in which everything in your home is plugged into the cloud and monitored. We’re not there yet, but we can use today’s technology to adjust our household habits and reduce our energy bills. By monitoring your behaviour on a smart meter, you will be surprised by how much energy goes to waste, and how certain appliances use.