Our homes are our sanctuaries from the outside world. The din of daily life can become overwhelming if you don’t have any way to counteract it. From traffic to idle chatter, to emergency sirens and music, our lives outside our homes are filled with noise.
When you’re in your own home, we often want blessed silence or to only hear what we choose to: our own music, the quiet chatter of the radio, our coffee percolating. If the outside din invades your space, you may start to feel like you can never truly relax in your own home.
This is why many people turn to soundproofing to help their homes remain a refuge. While soundproofing can be an expensive endeavor, that doesn’t have to be the case.
Here are 5 things you should keep in mind when soundproofing on a budget.
1. Reduce external noise first
If you have a specific concern over the external noise that troubles you—whether it’s construction, traffic, or voices—focus on minimizing that noise by reducing the amount of external noise that can get into your home.
First, consider the finishes in your home. Hard surfaces have a tendency to reflect noise and to amplify it. To soften the noise entering your home, look to add more plush or absorbent materials. This can be noise-reducing curtains, area rugs, or furniture.
2. Use minor soundproofing tactics
While there are advanced (and often costly) methods of whole home soundproofing, there are more affordable and minor things you can do to help soundproof your home. Weather stripping, door baffles or snakes, or other small adjustments can often help cut down on noise. As a tip, anything that helps reduce the loss of cold or warm air from a home will also help reduce noise.
3. Invest in quieter appliances
Energy efficient appliances not only save you money, they also have a tendency to run much quieter than traditional appliances. Energy efficient appliances use less power, cost less money, are better for the planet, and have much quieter engines and motors. Websites like Quietresources can help you find the best options for an energy efficient and quiet refrigerator, dishwasher, washer or dryer.
4. Reduce interior noise
If you love open concept interiors, you may struggle more with interior noise. Open concept spaces let sound waves bounces around a room a lot more. To reduce this, consider breaking up your space more with strategically placed furniture and large plants. Not only will this refract and break up the sound waves, the plants will also help clean the air!
5. Combine comfort and practicality
Throw pillows, bookshelves, baskets and hanging plants are all ways you can further reduce the noise in your home without breaking the bank. These creature comforts create more soft spaces for noise absorption or help break up sound waves as they move around a room. You will especially notice the difference our little home comforts make when you walk into an empty home versus a furnished one.