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Bloomcare Rowan Garth helps people to break additions with drink or drugs, enabling them to remain abstinent and enjoy an enhanced quality of life. Bloomcare achieves this via a process of assessment, treatment, detoxification and extensive aftercare, helping people who have developed problems with alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates and other substances that can lead to psychological and physical dependence. Bloomcare Rowan Garth’s caring and diligent staff are happy to work with individuals with dual diagnosis who may be taking medication, provided they are able to engage with group therapy.

For over a decade now, Bloomcare has been utilising its specialist care centres across the north-west of England, providing essential care to people living with alcohol and drug dependencies, mental health issues, Alzheimer’s, and those with a need for rehabilitation.

This leading UK care provider has the Christian values of love, empathy and kindness at the heart of all of its operations, working tirelessly to develop a flexible service that places the needs of its clients front and centre at all times.

Bloomcare Rowan Garth places the wants, needs and wellbeing of its clients at the heart of all its care work. To ensure that it continues to provide the same high level of quality care right across the board, Bloomcare directly employs and trains all of its own care staff, enabling the organisation to provide people-centric, respectful and dignified care. Bloomcare’s network of trainers and managers help train, support and progress its carers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to deliver the very highest standards of service and care.

Bloomcare values people and communities above all else, recognising that these relationships provide the foundations for effective, personalised and high quality care services. Arriving at a Bloomcare home is not the end for clients; rather, it is the beginning of an exciting new chapter in life and the continuation of their unique stories.

Each relationship that Bloomcare staff builds with clients is a unique partnership designed to meet the client’s individual needs. It is these relationships that continue to inspire Bloomcare Rowan Garth to do the work it does, showing respect for the dignity of the human spirit and recognising that the preservation of this dignity is central to human wellbeing.

Bloomcare is committed to going above and beyond accepted professional standards to support the aspirations of staff, providing continuous training and personal development – which in turn contributes toward a safe and enriching environment for all of the Bloomcare family.

Bloomcare Rowan Garth introduces innovation and flexibility to an industry that only thrives when both of these vital ideals are prioritised. Integrity is at the heart of all of Bloomcare’s operations and the communities the organisation seeks to build. Bloomcare honours its word, hoping that in doing so it garners the trust of residents – providing scope to continue to build mutually beneficial relationships. The care provider encourages ingenuity, creativity, the entrepreneurial spirit and fun. Bloomcare Rowan Garth is committed to celebrating and preserving each client’s individuality, recognising the benefits of enabling people to be who they really are and helping them to feel free to express themselves.

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