What To Do When Your Dog Won’t Eat Their Dinner


You’re a devoted parent, both to your children and your furry family members. And as a devoted dog parent, you know how distressing it can be when your furry companion refuses to eat their dinner. This is a common issue that many pet owners face at some point in their journey. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior is crucial to ensure your dog’s health and well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into what to do when your dog won’t eat their dinner. A healthy dog is a happy dog, and your pooch’s eating habits play a significant role in their overall health.

Make Mealtime Fun

Making mealtime an enjoyable experience for your dog can significantly influence their willingness to eat. One way to accomplish this is by associating mealtime with positive reinforcement and play. Purchase toys that allow you to hide food inside them, which will make your dog work for their meal and turn dinner into a fun game. Additionally, you can consider feeding your dog in different locations around the house or garden. Changing upyour dog’s environment can make mealtime more exciting for them and stimulate their appetite.

Offer Special Treats on Occasion

Just like humans, dogs can become disinterested in eating the same meal day after day. Offering special treats on occasion can be an effective option to consider when your dog won’t eat their dinner. These treats can range from a favourite type of meat to a particular vegetable they enjoy. You can mix up mealtimes by mixing in a scoop of peanut butter with your dog’s kibble or topping it with a bit of cooked salmon. However, it’s important to ensure these treats are healthy and suitable for your dog’s diet. And remember that treats like these should only make up about 10 percent of your dog’s daily caloric intake. Don’t fall into the trap of giving your dog a treat at every meal; they will start to expect these fun additions and may refuse to eat anything that’s not topped with an extra goody. Make treats a fun surprise at mealtime rather than an expectation.

Consult Your Veterinarian

If your dog persistently refuses to eat their meals, consulting your veterinarian should be your next step. This is especially important if you notice a change in your dog’s weight as a result of their refusal to eat. Your vet can perform thorough checks to identify any underlying health issues that might be causing your dog’s loss of appetite. They may suggest dietary modifications, recommend specific foods, or prescribe medication if necessary. Always consult your vet before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet or routine.

Switch Up Your Dog’s Feeding Schedule

Finally, switching up your dog’s feeding schedule could potentially help improve their eating habits. Some dogs prefer eating at specific times of the day. If you’ve been feeding your dog in the morning, try shifting their mealtime to the evening or vice versa. Additionally, instead of giving them two large meals, you could also try feeding them smaller meals throughout the day. This approach can often help stimulate their appetite and make mealtime less overwhelming for them.


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