How to find your fashion style


Finding your fashion style is like creating a personal brand. It is something that will demand a lot of creativity as it is your signature look. A lot of celebrities have fashion styles with unique apparel fabric online that are closely associated with their names. There are countless cases of celebrities with fashion styles so powerful that even after they died, that style of dressing still associated with them. Take Elvis Presley’s shiny jumpsuit, for instance!

To figure out your own fashion style, you don’t need bags of cash. All  you must do is keep to the basic rules of fashion and follow the guidelines below. If you are worried about finances, don’t be – you don’t need to break the bank to make a fashion statement. Good taste teamed with proper knowledge of style is all you need.

  • Know your body

Knowing your body shape is very important.  Your height and size are not really what we are focused on here – what matters is your body type.

We’ve all heard of the various shapes including hourglass, apple, pear, square and circle but wearing the wrong shape for your body can be a fashion faux pas.

If you have no idea what your body type is, stand naked in front of the mirror and use a lipliner to draw out your shape from your neck to your thighs. The resulting image you have in the mirror should be one of the shapes mentioned above. Keep it in mind when choosing clothes.

  • Study your dressing behaviour

Look at your wardrobe carefully and take note of what you keep buying but never wear! Also note the ones you repeatedly wear. Do this, not only for your clothes, but also for your shoes and all kinds of accessories. When you know the things you naturally want to wear at all times, you will be able to create your fashion style.  

Also look for the pattern of combinations you frequent. What colour do you like to match with others?  The way you accessorise also matters, look at your pictures and check if you like loud or minimal jewelllery, do you like to keep it simple or heavy? Knowing your default fashion nature will help you find a signature style you will be very comfortable with.

  • Define your fashion values and inspirations

Now that you have noticed what you naturally like to wear, you need to define what inspires you towards those choices. If you find yourself always wearing classy gowns and high heel shoes, you are probably inspired by feminism and appear girly in whatever choices you make. If you notice that you always like to wear Missoni fabric by the yard and a crop top or just a generally simple denim with trainers, you are inspired by the casual style. The same rule also applies if all you wear makes you look athletic. Your findings will guide the way you shop for future clothes.

  • Have a kind of dressing that you are known for

Just like Elvis Presley will forever be linked with shiny flare jumpsuits, you should have something that will make people think of you whenever they see it. This is a major step in building a fashion style and once you have this figured out, you are halfway into successfully achieving your aim.

It does not have to be a jumpsuit! The signature clothing could be a colour of scarf you are always seen with, a style of hat you love, fur, a cute jacket…anything at all you love, just make sure it is always on you.

  • Finally, use all the information you must find your fashion style!

So, thanks to the previous steps, you know what you have in your wardrobe and can tell what will be wise to pick as a signature dressing pattern. You also know what looks best on your body type and with this knowledge, you can make better choices and know where your priorities lie when shopping.

You can explore as much as you want, it is part of being a fashion icon, but doing so with wisdom and class is what gives you an excellent fashion style.


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