Currently Browsing: Parenting

3 Quick Tips for Cooking with Kids

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It’s an arduous task trying to manage the kids and the household, all whilst preparing a delicious meal for the family. So here are a few tips for saving time so that you can enjoy more of your summer outdoors with the family. Involve Your Kids Take them shopping with you! It might be hard […]


How to Raise Healthy Eaters

naturally detox body

Is feeding your children correctly a daily challenge for you? If the answer is yes, then know that you’re not alone. Many parents feel they don’t have the time, budget or energy to serve healthy food for every single meal. There’s also the (mistaken) belief that children simply do not like the taste of fruits, […]


How to have a great Family Vacation

Family Vacation (2)

Family vacations are an opportunity to enjoy time with your loved ones without the distractions of day to day life. However, despite our best effort, sometimes unexpected things going wrong, arguments and stresses can cause our family vacation to not live up to our expectations. A little planning and great anticipation can go a long […]


Only 37% of British Parents Monitor their Kids’ Music Taste

Girl affectionated by a smart phone

As a nation of parents who’d do anything for our kids, we’d assume that we’d do anything to protect our kids. However, recent research would assume otherwise. According to a recent survey conducted by, 9 in 10 parents believe that their kids are growing up too fast, and it’s mainly the way they speak […]